Heart of God Healing Center Bible College is fully accredited by the World-Wide Accreditation Commission of Christian Educational Institutions (WWAC). WWAC is a non-governmental accreditation, extended exclusively to private, Christian institutions upon inspection and approval of their programs, operations, and integrity. WWAC is a worldwide accreditation that honors the separation of church and state, and extends beyond national boundaries. Its standards and expectations measure compliance with scriptural principles as applied to education.

The purpose of accreditation is to:  

 certify that an institution has met the established standards of excellence 

 assist prospective students in identifying reputable institutions, which offer degree programs that will meet their needs and goals  

 allow institutions to evaluate the acceptability of transfer credits into their own curricula programs

In the United States, accreditation of universities and seminaries is a voluntary process with accreditation granted by private, non-governmental agencies. 

Governmental agencies do not provide theological or ministry accreditation. Government-recognized accreditation is not necessary for the religious vocations in which we are equipping our students and people working in ministry positions do not need a government-accredited degree. We do not prepare our students for secular work or denominational service. We will seek to provide a sound theological standing from which our students may fulfill their divine purpose and calling.

Disclaimer Statement: Our courses meet the requirements established by many private, independent, and professional associations. Various regionally or nationally accredited Christian Universities, colleges and seminaries throughout the United States may accept transfer students, credits and degrees from our bible College.

Transfer ability of credits earned at Heart of God Healing Center Bible College and transferred to another institution is at the discretion of the receiving institution.We are license to issue degrees by religious exemption.

LIFE EXPERIENCE : All degrees at our college are earned degrees. This is achieved by mandatory coursework that must be completed. Our courses are available to everyone who meets our entrance requirements. Our courses require comprehensive study and self-discipline for those looking to earn online degrees. College transcripts do not always reflect real life experience. Our college recognizes life experience which may have been gained through years of work which is ministry related. Many people have served in ministry positions and have gained a lot of knowledge and experience in their fields, but do not have any formal certificate, diploma, or degree. Life experience credits can give some of the recognition needed for this service in the work of the Lord. This acceptance of life credits helps a potential student to accelerate their learning college experience and enabling them to earn a fully accredited degree. Applicants must have had more than five years in a recognized position in ministry.

No diplomas or degrees can be awarded based purely upon life-experience. Life experience credit cannot be given for an entire degree but is limited to a maximum of 30 credit hours. Life experience which could include such things as books authored, missions trips, classes taught, outreach ministries, ministries within a church, etc., must be documented along with the years they occurred and submitted for evaluation.  

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